Student Journey Map

Group Consulting and Guidance 

In a fast paced world, career opportunities are changing constantly. Some are becoming obsolete while new ones appear every year. In order to keep up with the new majors and to make sure that our students are up to date, MIS has collaborated with Wazanat, a firm which specializes in guiding high school students towards the most suitable majors and opening doors that ensure successful careers. 

MIS also holds on its campus orientation sessions in which universities from around the country send representatives who familiarize students with the majors they offer and respond to students’ inquiries regarding admission tests and requirements.

Individual Consulting and Guidance 

Because one suit doesn’t fit all sizes , MIS believes that One-on-one meetings with students are very essential in helping the student shape his/her interest and channel it towards the proper major.
That’s why MIS will be offerings its students the chance to meet one-on-one with the schools academic consultant and former dean of students at the Lebanese American University, Dr. Mars Semaan , and benefit from his long life academic and professional experience.